I love me some Halloween, y'all. I might love it more than Thanksgiving or Christmas. I love any occasion to get dressed up in a costume (which sometimes encompasses Thanksgiving too, in my circle). This year I didn't go as big as I have in the past. I was a bit more conservative with my spending, plus Alex had to work, so some of the grander plans were set aside. We had planned on going as F. Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald, but I could hardly be Zelda on my own, so I wore a different dress and called it Roxy Hart.
I went to a party near LAX with these fine folks.
It was pretty fun. We danced a little. Didn't stay out super-late. Here's my favorite costume of the night:
He was immensely gratified that I knew what the heck he was.
A Banksy painting, if you're wondering.
Oh, and I found Waldo.
I should back up and mention that I spent Saturday afternoon at a different sort of October celebration: the kind with a "K," as in Oktoberfest. The Weavers' annual sausage party. Gotta be a better way to say that. But there were funny hats and cute babies, and lots of my favorite folks in the same room.
On real Halloween, aka Wednesday, I went out and bought some awesome stuff to give trick-or-treaters, but I didn't get a one. I was probably excessively disappointed.
Sad, unclaimed candy
I added red tights to my costume and headed out to see my pals The Sunset Drifters with Sam and Mark.
It was a great time! A bunch of my friends were there, and we stayed out late. I may have had a whiskey more than was advisable, but as I was neither driving nor working the next day, I can't see the harm. Plus, I found Waldo again!
Stay tuned for pictures from my trip to San Francisco!
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