Saturday, June 23, 2012


This one isn't going to rank high in the ranks of productive days off, but it wasn't such a bad day. I woke up not very early, had a hurried cup of tea, and went off to Tony's yoga class at The Raven. What a nice guy, and a great yoga teacher. After an hour and a half of that, I thought I was going to go for a jog with Alex, but  it turns out my thigh muscles had had enough for 1 day. After the first block or so, they started seizing up, as if to say, "uh uh." So I walked a little ways through Alex's pleasant Los Feliz neighborhood, and let him catch me on the way back. We rewarded ourselves with lunch at Gingergrass. I was really jonesing for a cold noodle bowl. I ended getting the green papaya salad with a side of cold noodles. Alex got a chilled carrot ginger soup that tasted like liquid pumpkin pie. Yum.

Back at Alex's, he got some disappointing news, so I hung around for a bit trying to cheer him up. I let him languish for a few minutes while I plinked away at the piano, using my rudimentary knowledge of that instrument to try and figure out how to play my new song. I think I might need some help. You know, from a legit piano player. We considered a few activities for the evening: a free concert at Levitt Pavilion in Pasadena, a wine-tasting in Barnsdall Park. We ultimately decided that we'd just make dinner at my place and watch a movie. Lest you think we're terribly dull, remember I had to work in the morning.

I gave myself a couple hours at home to play my Hofner and blog...and dick about on Facebook, before Alex came over. I read an interesting article on Yahoo about a newly discovered cache of fossils in Australia, full of giant wombats!
Speaking of edifying things I learned yesterday, there was a segment on NPR's The World about a new West African dance craze called Azonto. It's a dance where you kind of act out your profession while doing a little chicken strut with your feet. Obviously, Alex and I had to try our own Azontos. It turns out it's pretty hard to set up directors' chairs while dancing.

When Alex arrived, I put the bass down, and made us some delicious martinis with a splash of sage vodka - his with a cornichon, mine with a twist. For dinner we had a tomato avocado salad and a spicy black bean hash served over white grits with cilantro pesto and goat cheese. I took some lovely pictures of these things which I've just discovered my phone didn't save. It's got all the data about the pictures: date, time, location - but no image. I hate it when technology doesn't work. Anyway, after dinner we watched "Gattaca," which I really enjoyed. It's a good sci-fi movie. Thus fortified, I went to bed.

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